Summer brings lots of exciting and fun things to do with your pooch. One thing we need to keep in mind every summer is protecting our pets from the hot sun and heat.
Avoid hot pavement. Walk your dog in the early morning or later in the evening when the temperature has dropped, and the pavement has cooled. It can help prevent damage to your dog paws!
When at home in your backyard, don’t leave them out for long periods of time. Make sure they have lots of shade and access to cool water at all times. Keep them hydrated!
If you want to walk during the day, look for areas that offer more grassy areas and less pavement. Take an adventure into the woods where lots of trees offer shade, also have fresh water available at all times (remember tick checks after venturing into the woods!)
Go for a swim, take a drive to the beach or hike down by the lake. If at the beach, remember that the sand can get hot as well, offer protection with beach blankets and lots of shade. Avoid letting your dog drink the salt water as it can cause dehydration.
Never leave your dog or any pet in a parked car, this can get dangerous very quickly! Even with the windows cracked or only being a few minutes, temperatures can rise fast and be fatal.
Monitor extra closely for brachycephalic dogs (squishy faced pooches) like Pugs, Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers, along with overweight and senior dogs as well. They can have a harder time dealing with the higher temperatures and can be more prone to heat stroke during the warmer days.
Tips on keeping your canine friend cool this summer. If you’re worried your canine friend may be dehydrated or exhausted from the sun, call your nearest clinic as soon as possible. Be sure to monitor for signs that can include excessive panting, excessive thirst, dry nose and gums, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased energy/lethargy, and collapse.
Warmer weather can be adventurous and fun with your canine friend, remember what to look for to help have a safe summer!
Written by: Hannah Richardson, VA, CCS